Archive: May 2017 - Oliver Muñoz Muñoz - Photographer

TRAVEL DIARY – Fidel Castro's Cuba

DIARIO DE VIAJE – La Cuba de Fidel Castro

This will be a different journey, never had shared journey with so many people. We will share half of the trip. Travel in Group has advantages and disadvantages. An of the advantages is the saving of energy that is divide the tasks that is happen, the wear to level personal is lower and the work is reduced considerably, each one brings his granite of sand. In addition the road becomes more fun in good company. It is also true that the cost is less, everything is divided. Traveling in a group you can have access to alternatives, as rent a car, that precisely....


Baracoa after the Typhoon Matthew

Baracoa después del tifón Matthew

A month after the Typhoon still working in Baracoa. One of the places where most affected the terrible Typhoon Matthew.